Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Two Inspired Guys Podcast #3: Anna Vinnars

Vinnars in Africa
Anna is one of Mia Karlsson's (Andy's wife) 'swim girls', whom she grew up with in Uppsala Sweden. Since high school and her swim days, 'Vinnars' has led a decidedly non-traditional life, particularly from the American standpoint of highschool, college, career. After high school, Vinnars set out for Africa, where she lived and worked in the countryside, volunteering to help out local orphanages. That experience inspired her to strive for bigger and better adventures, and after a year saving money by working on an adventure-type cruise ship in Norway, Vinnars returned to the Dark Continent with her friend Robin, and together they cycled from Cape Town all the way back to Sweden. Check her out on Facebook at Anna Vinnars.

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