Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Half way celebration!

22 Jan 2013 16.00 UTC
18°27 ' N / 38° 48 ' W
Wind 18-22 kt ENE

We just passed our half point. We were debating where it would be and decided that 38° 30' W would do it.

It has been downwind sailing ever since we gybed last Saturday and have been able to head pretty much due west since then. The best sail combination is to have the reacher poled out with the boom on port side, and as the wind shift a bit we just trim the sail.

Yesterday we entered squall country and the horizon is constantly threatening us with wind and rain. So far (knock on wood) we we haven't gotten too much rain even though Kinship probably would be in need of a fresh water rinse. The wind has been around 18-22 kt and in the gusts comes up to high twenties. Dennis had +30 yesterday but it didn't last very long and going downwind it just helped the boat speed a bit. :) I am sure we will have a few more aggressive squalls before we get to Tortola.

Yesterday as we were sitting outside in the cockpit Dennis broke Andrew's speed record from day 1. The new record is 14.9. Dennis was the only one seeing it but I believe him, I could feel it was a good surf.

With the rain on the horizon, we also gotten many beautiful rainbows. This morning we had one full, and also a half double. The moon is more than half full now and keeping us company during the night. It makes such a difference with the moon out during the night watches. Yesterday when I came on my 04-07 watch, the moon was down but the sky had stars all the way down to the horizon and it took me a long time before I could spot Big Dipper.

Ok, enough talk about the weather, but I am a Swede and we like to talk about it... :)

Today was the half way point and why not celebrate? I had some cold bubble in the fridge and an apple cake in the oven. The boys were thrilled. Tim keep asking me where I get the stuff and my answer is always "The Kinship store".. When Tim went down for the third apple cake slice he wondered if any one else would like one and Andrew's comment were "Well, there will only be one half way, so why not? Give me one please!"

We also had a nice half way gift from Jon Crouch, Tim's friend and the guy who helped us with the problems when we returned to Las Palmas. There were chocolate, more chocolate, some mints and canned food. Great surprise, Thank you! Andrew shaved a very creative beard today and look absolutely fantastic, photos will be posted when we get to Tortola. Tonight will be steaks for dinner and the celebration will keep going...

Sounds like we are having a great time, doesn't it? But there is also a few things on Kinship that is not so pleasant. A few days ago, Dennis discovered that the sump pump (the pump that pumps out the shower and the head (toilet) sink) was clogged. Luckily, I had watch and tried to look very busy out in the cockpit so I would not get sucked in to help him :) He unclogged it and now it works fine.

Dennis who is our wild life spotter keep telling us about all the flying fishes, have not seen many seabirds lately though. Andrew had a flying fish coming on the boat last night, still alive, he through it back in the water. This morning we found an other flying fish on deck, dead and dry, not as lucky as his mate.

Yesterday Kinship turned into a India House with a great curry meal with naan. As we were sitting in the cockpit I heard "pussssh" behind my back and understood it must be dolphins. Sure enough, about 30 dolphins came up to Kinship, jumping high up through the air and swam alongside the boat while we had dinner, such a treat! I love dolphins!

At the moment, Tim and Andrew is out in the cockpit telling jokes and Dennis is taking a nap. As soon as I am done here I will have a quick nap as well before I start to make dinner. It is getting warmer now and I have a hard time to nap during the war days. It is nice outside though, Kinship has a big bimini and the wind keep the breeze coming.

This is it from Kinship today. Have a great time and keep commenting, we love to hear from you all!

and the crew on Kinship; Tim, Dennis & Andrew

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hej min vän, häromdagen damp det ner ett vykort från dig och jag blev så glad- dina vykort är alltid en glad överraskning!

Följer din resa här på bloggen och det låter ju inte helt fel med sol, vind, delfiner och god mat!

Här är det riktig vargavinter nu, men otroligt vackert med all vit frost på träden. I helgen bär det av till Romme för lite nedförsåkning, ska bli riktigt mysigt! Ska ha med varm choklad och sitta och mysa i solen i backen.

Hoppas andra etappen av resan går bra! Vi tänker på dig här hemma i Sverige!
Kram från Gurly (Andrew hälsar så gott)