Monday, January 14, 2013

Blog from onboard Kinship

Here comes the first blog post from Kinship. Sorry I am writing in English, but I promised I would..

09.00 UTC 14 Jan
25 degrees, 00 ' N
18 degrees, 48 ' W

We all were impressed with Las Palmas and what we got done when we turned around. We arrived early Wednesday morning and ten minutes later we had people come and work on the boat. Jon Crouch was the man who made everything happen and we were very thankful for his help. The broken shroud got replaced, Kinship got hauled out to fix some leaks and we bought some extra food to make the crew happy! :)

Kinship sailed out from Las Palmas 14.00 local time on Saturday Jan 12. Happy bellies full of pizza and Andrew made a last trip to the mini market to get some extra packs of cookies.. :) We had a nice slow sail along the Canarian cost and just before dark on Saturday the wind picked up to about 15-20 kt from NE. The highlight of yesterday was a visit by some dolphins. I was laying down in my bunk reading a book when I heard Andrew "I think I saw a fin" and a minute later we had around hundred dolphins jumping around Kinship. They were up at the bow, along the side and in the far distance! I love dolphins! We had a great meal last night, curry chicken with rice!

The nights are long, the sun goes down around 18.45 and up around 08.00. The days have been warm in the sun but a slightly cool breeze. During the night I have been wearing long pants and a jacket, but I wouldn't say it has been cold.

We are having a great time, everyone happy and healthy. No seasickness, yeah.

Have a great time and please send us comments here on the blog or to, we like to know who is following us!

Also stay updated here on the blog, Andy has been putting up our position and you can see where we are!

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1 comment:

Rick Palm said...

Glad to hear you are on the way and having a great time. Tell Tim hi from Julie and Rich. We're sorry we are not on board with you to do the crossing.