Thursday, January 17, 2013

Downwind sailing

Jan 17 11.00 UTC
21° 00 ' N / 25° 57 ' W
Wind: E 14-18 kt

Another lovely day on Kinship!

I had the morning sunrise watch, 07-10, today but unfortunately with the haze we had today and yesterday I did not see the sun come up. It is definitely getting warmer as we are getting south and I am planning a shower this afternoon. We are having a watermaker onboard, and thanks to Tim's new installation Watt & Sea we do not have to run the engine for power, we can make water with the Watt & Sea and Duo Gen in the water!

As I mentioned, the weather has been great so far.East wind at about 15-20 kt. Yesterday morning we set up the pole and pulled out the staysail and sailed with a reefed main out the other side. We have not touched the sails since then and are on a perfect course.

The food onboard Kinship has been excellent (I declare since I am the head chef.. :) ) Yesterday, Tim surprised us though and put together a great meal with pasta, tomato sauce, green beens, it has a name but I don't remember it. The day before I made chicken wrapped in serrano ham with oven roasted potatoes with a red cabbage and cashew salad. Mmm!

We are eating one hot meal together every day around five. I've done most of the cooking but Andrew and Tim are helping me. Lunch are usually eaten together whenever we get hungry. So far a sandwich and been the most popular lunch item! Andrew made a nice guacamole yesterday with and avocado that got ripe, might have the same today. Andrew and I have teamed up for breakfast and eating oatmeal, or porridge as he calls it, together.

We have plenty of snacks on the boat and the boys have done a good job eating them. There is chocolate chip cookies, chips, M&M, crackers, more chips, fruits etc. I've been eating nuts and dates, and to my delight we had some wasa knackebrod in the cupboard. I have also treated myself to two squares of chocolate a day, on land I only eat one but I am at sea so why not eat two..? :) I have a secret plan of hiding some if the cockies and start trading them for rainy night watches when the boys ran out of their supply, hihi! Maybe they would through me overboard, not the best idea after all... haha!

We had another visit by a school of dolphins yesterday, not as many as the fist day but they stayed with us for about half an hour. Always a big highlight when dolphins show up! Dennis has been seegin seabirds every day except yesterday, and yesterday we saw our first flying fish. We might start our fishing today, Dennis as the head fishermen. Will report if we catch any, I hope!

Everyone is having a great time. I am already done with my second book, but my next one is in Norwegian and should take a bit longer to read. Andrew is playing guitar and singing witch is a highlight and Dennis and Tim are enjoying sitting outside sharing stories and watching the waves. Dennis also has a goal of learning the SSB on this trip.

As you can hear, we are having a great time, are well rested and no one has been seasick!

Have a great time at home!

and the crew on Kinship

1 comment:

rick said...

Mia, sounds like you are having a great passage. Makes me jealous that we missed the fun.
Ask Tim how he thinks the Watt&Sea is working. I'm going to buy one if it works as well as the ads say.