Saturday, October 27, 2012

Morning Training and Hurricane Sandy

Carib 1500 boats at Hampton
Mia and I just got back from a short run this morning (in the dark). I'm annoyed that the clocks won't change until the day of the start - November 4 - because otherwise the sun would be up when we're out carousing around Hampton.

We set off towards Hampton University, over the bridge and down the walkway onto campus grounds, around 6:30 and it was pitch black. Hurricane Sandy is on the way, and you could feel it in the air. It's extremely humid outside this morning, and windy - but the rain isn't here yet, and that's why we ran this morning.

Other mornings this week were spent in the (very basic) gym on the hotel's second floor. I did some legwork with dumbbells yesterday morning, and set up the flat bench to do some strength/speed work jumping onto and off of it with weights in my hands. My legs were a good sore this morning out on the run (I'm re-focusing my training efforts on my legs. After 8 weeks training for a marathon, they can keep going for hours, but they're not as strong as they used to be when I was in the gym more often. I'm going on the boys' big ski trip to Tahoe in February, so I figured I'd better get my act together).

Speaking of the hurricane, it's on everyone's minds down here (many of the Carib 1500 boats actually arrived early, as the threat of the storm got them motivated). We watched the weather channel yesterday at the deli where we ate lunch, and it was all they yapping about. They had the guy standing in rain gear in the surf on the beach in Miami, and photos from Cuba of 1950s-era cars driving through flooded roads. Personally I don't like speculating about the weather until it's actually happening. People were gossiping about this storm when it was still down in the Bahamas, days away from the Chesapeake and not guaranteed to even get here. That part of things is silly, and I choose not to engage in it. In fact, yesterday was the first day I even looked at the weather forecast. There's nothing we're going to do about it anyway, so why stress over it?

On the other hand, I'm warm and dry in the 9th floor of a hotel. I had a dream last night about our boat being anchored out in a bad storm while I was ashore. I spent an entire day in my dream trying to find a small boat to take me out to the anchorage to check on it. I guess it is on my mind anyway.

1 comment:

Ben Eriksen said...

I'm relishing the lack of boat in my life right now as Sandy bears down... one of the few moments I feel this way lately. Hope things go smooth for you!