Arcturus is a 1966 Allied Seabreeze yawl, Hull #56, and it was the first and only boat Mia and I even looked at. At the time, we didn’t want to buy a boat, nor did we have the money to buy one. I was living on my dad’s Wauquiez Hood 38 Sojourner, and Mia was only in town for a few weeks from Sweden. We took Sojourner up to Baltimore for two days – I was browsing through the back of Spinsheet looking at the classified ads and saw the one for a Seabreeze yawl that had been apparently refit and was in beautiful condition. So we went and saw it, just for laughs – except that I told Mia that it was going to be my boat the minute I laid eyes on the hull when we pulled into the parking lot at Bachelor’s Point Marina in Oxford. I sold my car, and with some creative financing we bought her four weeks later. Mia and I have maintained a wonderfully friendly relationship with the boat’s previous owner ever since (who happened to be neighbors and friends with Hal and Margaret Roth). The decision was an emotional one for sure, but it’s working out.