Andy's Resume / CV
Mia's Resume / CV
It's a bit of a joke between Mia and I lately that we're becoming the same person. Yesterday she bought a new pair of running shoes, and when they didn't have her size in the women's version, she got the exact same pair as me (color and all). We both wear Helly Hansen clothing and Björn Borg underwear. We are precisely the same weight, even when it fluctuates up and down, and she's one centimeter shorter than I am. And since we work and live and travel together (finally, now she has her Green Card), we spend an inordinate amount of time with one another. So there's some truth to it.
In reality we're vastly different, but I think we complement each other pretty well, particularly when it comes to working together. Mia grew up in the countryside in Sweden, living on raw milk and homegrown, homemade food from her wonderful mother Annika (her dad, Börje - I still can't say his name - has an uncanny ability to completely clean his plate when he eats, with only a knife and fork, sauce and all). Mia was an extremely competitive swimmer, going as far as making the Swedish Junior national team at one point and moving out of the house at age 16 to join the swimming team in Uppsala, some 45 minutes away from her home in Dunderbo. This is not odd in her family - her mom did the same at her age, and her brother, now 19, has been away for several years to play handball (the Olympic version, not what you're thinking). Mia is one of the strongest, most confident and independent women I have ever met, the biggest reason that I fell in love with her and simultaneously the biggest reason she drives me crazy sometimes because she thinks she's always right (she knows she's always right, in fact, even when she's not).
Professionally, Mia graduated from university in Sweden with a degree in Tourism Management, graduating last year before our wedding and before we set off on our trans-Atlantic on Arcturus. She's now a professional photographer, having unofficially been my photographer all along for the articles I write, and now officially so as we start taking that work more seriously and getting into bigger magazines. Mia has been along on almost all of the offshore deliveries I've done, and as we work as a team, she'll be coming along on all the trips in the future. To date (she's 27, and only been sailing since we met in 2006), Mia has about 20,000 offshore miles under he belt, and two Atlantic crossings (Annapolis - Ireland via Newfoundland in 2011, and Tortola to Portugal, via the Azores, just this summer).
So, I said we complement each other, and we do. I'm a dreamer - Mia brings me back to earth. I'm an optimist, she's a realist. I stink at measuring, she's great at it (so long as it's metric). I've go the big picture, Mia is great at the details.

Together with the writing, the sailing work and the World Cruising Club rally organization we've done, Mia and I have managed to cobble together a pretty cool career doing what we love to do.